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Friday 19 October 2012

which one?

i am at home now,,,,,, can u imagin? for the first day of holiday of cos i am feel like ohhh,,,,,, why i waste my time with sleep and keep seeing FB? ohhhh,,,,,, lupe,,,,,, cuti,,,, seronoknya,,,,, no books,no to count the time,, wht time is it,, oh i am rushing to read this,, how many days more to exam,, Allahuakhbar aq x expert lg yg ni,, yg tu,,,, arghhh,,, i know evryone feel tht during this emergency time,,,,, my,,,, huh,,,, but that is great right,,,,, unforgetfll momnt as student,, n u know the big big problem to me is actually food,,,,,, food,,,, and food,,,, smpai ada one day,, there is no food provided to buy,, so the one and one is burger,,,, n what? i bought two double burger,, and it was finished,, i eat alone,, mna boleh x da nasi dlm shari,,,,,, n the worst is i keep on eating the maggi and sometime twice a day,,,, teruk kan tp dh lpar nk wt cne,, slalu sgt mkn pun nasi aym,,, muak btol.... but Alhmdulillah,,, still ada bnda nak mkn.....

apa yang nak ditekankan sekarng adalah,,,,,, pemilihan kawan yg betul!!!!!!!!! sme goes to me,, bila da lma sgt bersenng lenng dulu(lama cuti belajar lebih kurng stahun) bila mula balik memng arghh,,,, sikit2 i need a rest,, i need  a rest, the journy is too far,, walk to far, no car(part 1 no car)klu aq da msuk part 2 pun blon tntu ayah kasi bwak,, too far to get a food,, kne mndaki mountain pdahl x lah tnggi mna pun,, carry umbrella(aq pling mlas bwak,kdng2 pnjm kwn), most suffer is koko,,, rushing sgt,klas hbis 4.30,, 5.15 dh mula koko.lmbt nnt kne mrah,, bukn tu je kne than.. (-_____-) i feel like i am still a student at scholl.. huhuhuhuhuhuh,,,,, thn,, this 4 month and more,aq jumpa mcm2 org,,, not to tal about a bad, but what actually we are have to find. Alhmdulillah,,,, kwan2 smua baik2, lecturer smua best2,, hope Allah SWT will bless us,,, bila kita sush bukn senng nak cari kwn yg setia kan, that is why kdang2 kita kene berpijk kt kaki sndri, try to sttle a problem alone, u know, dekt u ni lah aq belajr sush skit, no family n i alone to sattle everything,, yes,, survive,, go here and there, memng smua student akn hdapi bnda yg sma,, but scara jujurnya bfore this my parents yg sttle up evrything so it is new for me, aq x dalah mnja sgt, but mak ckp slagi   dia ada dye boleh buat, contohnya,, nk kerja kan,, thn dye ckp x pyah la keje, mak boleh tmpung lagi,, yes,, aq memng x da pnglmn kerja pun,, i want,,,, but no bless so nooooo... la.. n alhmdulillah too during exam final,, i have a friend tht is sleep with book,eat with book,evrythng books,,, n i wahhhhhhhh,.,,,, i am soo chill at first,,, thn,,,, i strt to think,,, either to win or lose..... of cos win, n seriously time skolah2 dulu cri kwn nk teman, kmana nk btemn, but if u want a do tht at u,,, ketingglan la,,, so,, my uncle pernh ckp,,, bila baja nnt cri kwn bukan untk kwan smpai frenshp ke apa tapi KEJAR ILMU dia...... the most importnt,,,,, so kene pndai pilh kwn,stiap org ada beza kpandaian. so berkwn dengn smua.... dn jgn ingt dekt u mcm pergi kelas nk bersolek bgai,,,,, x adalh mcm tu,, kau dh berpeluh brpanas,, kng cair mekap capuk pulk kng kan,, pkai tumit tinggi naik gnug everest kng jtuh kene gelk kn,, so,biasa2 sudh jgn kau selekeh  dah la,,,,, tp sriusly time koko la memng nmpk selebet smua bju putih,,,    (-_____-)    haha....... okey,,,, perjalann sgt pnjang n i hope a bless from Allah SWT..

gambr dekat libry... bila dh tnsion kn pnawar nye  adalh ambk gmbar,, pas tu gelk2 mcm smua org nk dengr kau ckp,,

missing a cool blog,,, n people know me as kksha cool blog,,, klu ckp psal cool blog org pndng aq,, nasib baik kt tmpin ada,,,,,

n kami punya klas murh rzeki,, lectrer blnje mkn kat luar, dpn pintu uitm ,,,, jnji kt luar kn,,,, jmpe sem 2

thanks to being a freinds and save us ya  Allah,,

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